Communion Jewels
One of the special moments in life, when you are a child. A communion jewel that will be a memory for a lifetime gold of 18 carats with pearls or diamonds. Selection of crosses, medals, bracelets or communion sets. Complete collection in Ronda Norte, 15 in Murcia.
Showing 33–48 of 58 results
Virgin of Carmen Medal model 2
220 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgen del Rocío Medal model 1
660 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgen del Rocío Medal model 2
155 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgin of Sorrows Medal model 1
410 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgin of Sorrows Medal model 2
240 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgin of the Immaculate Medal
240 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgin of Candelaria Medal
240 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgin Ribbon Medal
235 €Receive it in 10 days.
Virgin of the Macarena Medal
300 €Receive it in 10 days.
Our Lady of the Assumption Medal
420 €Receive it in 10 days.
Our Lady of Loreto Medal
420 €Receive it in 10 days.
Holy Family Medal
485 €Receive it in 10 days.
Saint Teresa Medal
420 €Receive it in 10 days.
Sacred Heart Medal model 1
190 €Receive it in 10 days.
Sacred Heart Medal model 2
215 €Receive it in 10 days.
Saint Joseph Medal model 1
315 €Receive it in 10 days.