How to choose wedding bands

 Content = Introduction = Search with time = Budget = Choose your ring style = Engraving = Certificate of guarantee = Trust your jeweler 1) Introdución ¡Enhorabuena! Os vais a casar y ha llegado el momento de...

Canal YouTube

Aquí tienes algunos de nuestros vídeos de nuestro canal de YouTube Cómo elefir el anillo de compromiso prefecto en 5 Steps: Lee el artículo o mira el vídeo en nuestro canal de YouTube...

How to clean your diamond engagement ring

 Content = Introduction = How to clean my diamond ring at home - 6 Steps = Be careful when cleaning the diamond ring = What is an ultrasonic cleaner? = How to choose a jeweler to clean your ring = Cómo cuidar tu...

Your Diamond Guide

Diamond Guide Las 4 C's Discover its secrets The quality of the diamond is the determining factor of its price. Buying can be a complex process if you don't have expert advice. Salvador Muñoz Jeweler has more than 40 years advising their clients ...

How to choose the perfect engagement ring

 Content = Introduction = Know your style = Set a budget = Buy in advance = Choosing the style of engagement ring = The right measure = Trust your jeweler = conclusion = Preguntas...